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Farook College (Autonomous)

PM Institute of Civil Service Examination

Farook College Civil Service Scholarship Examination 2025

  1. Go through the notification carefully,be familiar with all relevant information relating to admission procedure and follow the instructions.
  2. Select the application you want to submit for from the 'Type of Application' list and click Proceed
    • Farook College Civil Service Scholarship Examination 2025 (Registration Fee:250)
  3. Register with valid mobile number, e-mail id, name, and date of birth.
  4. Log on to your account using your registered mobile number and date of birth.
  5. Click on Primary Details link/icon and enter your primary details, save and click next >> button.
  6. You can continue with payment once you are ready to pay the application fees online using net banking /debit/credit card (Only for applications having registration fee).
  7. Upload your recent passport size photo (180px height X 160px width - Max. Size:100KB - File type .jpg) and click next >> button.
  8. Verify your entries in application by taking a print out or by navigating through each data entry step.
  9. Once you are sure about the data furnished are correct and complete go to 'Finalise Application' step and Finalise button.
  10. Application data can be entered/edited till you finalise your application. Once finalised, the application cannot be modified further under any circumstances.
  11. Only finalised application will be treated as valid.
Select type of application and proceed:
I have read instructions and would like to proceed.