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Farook College (Autonomous)

UG Admission 2024
Rank List
B.Sc. Zoology - (Category: GEN)
Selection List
Sl.NoApp. NoNameIndexRankStatus
12416236ATHIRA V10151SL
22417188FATHIMA SHIFA K10152SL
32418613MUFEEDA N10153SL
42420697DILFA T10144SL
52418015ANASOOYA ASOK10145SL
62412003AYISHA AMAL K C10136SL
72420169ABIDA K.V10127SL
82414418PAVITHRA M D10128SL
102418001SANA FATHIMA P K101110SL
112420924MUHAMMED RASIN101111SL
122412260HIBA ASHARAF101012SL
132420892MUBEENA JASMI U P101013SL
142416019SIVANI MANOJ101014SL
152410308MUHSINA M101015SL
162415485KARTHIK MANOJ101016SL
172416659FIDHA FATHIMA100917SL
182418327AASAMSA R100818SL
Waiting List
192417649ARATHI P100819WL
202414427NIHARA U100820WL
212420545ANN MARY LIYA100721WL
222420854FASNA C100722WL
232413195ANSA CT100723WL
242411691PARVATHI S100624WL
252419144FATHIMA REJA C100625WL
262410359AESHA SHIRIN100626WL
272416879LAKSHMI PRIYA P T100627WL
282417158AYSHA DIYA P V100528WL
292418262ANOOPA R S100529WL
302412851SHIVANI V100530WL
312412866FATHIMA RILU100431WL
322415070GOPIKA T100432WL
332416655ANSHAB V100333WL
342420185SHAMNEENA K C100234WL
352410797ASHITHA FATHIMA100235WL
362418776RAHANA NT100236WL
372415319ADEEBA P N100137WL
382419808MITHILA LUKOSE100138WL
392418170DILHA M100139WL
402411785SWETHA K T100040WL
412417427VASIL AMEEN P100041WL
432411835THEERTHA K K100043WL
442416910DHIYANA P P100044WL
452416647NAJA HANNA K A100045WL
472416569AYISHA ASLAHA A S100047WL
492421184RUQIYA SANA100049WL
502418919AMNA K K100050WL
512419597FAIHA K100051WL
522417294NIDHINA C100052WL
542419095NAYANA FATHIMA100054WL
552412435DEVIKA E100055WL
562415910NISHWA FEBIN100056WL
572411268ASEEM C K100057WL
582417118SAFWAH ANAPRA99958WL
602415343NAZNEEN V99960WL
612412537HASNIYA M99961WL
622416186AYISHA FARHANA K99962WL
632418855ANJIMA K99963WL
642410351AYISHA KHAJLA K P99964WL
652413835HAMNA PARWIN99965WL
662419042DEVAPRIYA S99966WL
672418066MIHNA FATHIMA EP99967WL
692417783RANIYA MP99969WL
702420277RIFANA V C99970WL
712414129MALAVIKA V99971WL
722420988NAJA HANIYA K99972WL
732419073AYISHA ASHFIYA M K99973WL
742414629SHAIMA A99974WL
752417287GOPIKA P99875WL
762413431ALIYA MIZAJ KM99876WL
772412629SHAHNA O99877WL
792413582NAYANENDU T99879WL
802415680FATHIMA FIDHA99880WL
812419376ASSAFA U99881WL
822419620SIFANA TK99882WL
832413727AYISHA SALVA K M99883WL
842415614FATHIMA SHIFA99884WL
862410280FATHIMA NEHA CT99886WL
872417325DHANA AKBAR99887WL
882418603SREELAKSHMI K99888WL
892416841AYISHA SANA C T99889WL
902421004NIRANJANA M99890WL
912415821MUHAMMED AFNAN C99891WL
922412281FATHIMA SHIFA O V99892WL
932418039SHAHANA C K99893WL
952420334FATHIMA RINSHI99895WL
962414881ASISH SANTHOSH99896WL
972420701FATHIMA NIBA99897WL
982417789RIHA YASAR99898WL
992410647HASNA K T99799WL
1002421064NIKHITHA C P997100WL
1012411329RIYA SHABEER997101WL
1022416718ANOUSHE S SANTH997102WL
1032414143FIDA NASER P M997103WL
1042413248AYSHA RANEEM997104WL
1052418017LALSURYA O997105WL
1062415795HARIPRASAD V997106WL
1082420364RIDA WASEEM997108WL

SL=Selection List, WL=Waiting List

Important Note:

  1. If the applicant fails to produce supporting documents to prove their marks or claims for additional weightage during the verification process, the assigned rank will be adjusted accordingly, and they will be denied admission.
  2. Additional weightages claimed, such as NCC, NSS, SPC, Scouts, Arts, etc., should be at the +2 level, and valid certificates should be produced during the verification process. Failure to provide valid certificates will result in a change to the assigned rank, and the applicant will be denied admission.
  3. The first allotment (online admission) will be available from 06/06/2024 to 07/06/2024. Applicants are directed to take online admission before the specified date, otherwise they will lose their opportunity for admission to the programme.
  4. Read instructions for details.

Disclaimer: This Rank list is prepared for admission to UG Programmes for the academic year 2024-2025 at FAROOK COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) and serves as first-hand information for the applicants. However, please note that it is not final and subject to change. The rank list is based on the online data provided by the applicants through the college's Admission portal.