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Farook College (Autonomous)

UG Admission 2024
Rank List
B.A. Multimedia - (Category: Muslim)
Selection List
Sl.NoApp. NoNameIndexRankStatus
12415746V M AYSHA MINHA11821SL
32410594RIYA MARIYAM11823SL
42413104AYSHA RANA K V11824SL
82410041FATHIMA NAJA11788SL
92416562NOORA ZAINEB11779SL
102415472HADILA RASHEED NK117410SL
Waiting List
112417509FATHIMA M117411WL
122410059AFNAN KUNDERI117312WL
132410778MISRIYA CS117213WL
142415370AYSHA ZANHA M117214WL
152420787MOHAMED FIYAS117215WL
162414497HANA LATHEEF A117116WL
172415741AMINA ZAHNY117117WL
182410933MOHAMMED SINAN PT117118WL
192420406ANEESHA FATHIMA N P117019WL
212411475ASNA ATHIKAVIL117021WL
222411733NIHAL V M117022WL
232413847MARIYAM RAHEEMA P S117023WL
242413644FATHIMA MEHRIN P K117024WL
252411178FATHIMA RISHHA K116925WL
262413376INAMUL RAHMAN P A116926WL
282410344JAZA NASHWA P116828WL
292418358SALWA MP116829WL
312413067HANEENA K M116831WL
322410431ASHLY SUHANA U116732WL
342415312SUMAYA THASNI C M116734WL
362415414ZAINAB BINTH PARVEZ1166.436WL
372420751SHIBA. K116637WL
382420757NIDHA SHIRIN T116638WL
392416515MUNJEEYA SHERIN P116539WL
402410428RAFA K P116540WL
412420963ABDUL MANAF116441WL
422412038FATHIMA RINSHA K K116442WL
432416805FATHIMA RANIYA C T116443WL
442418842SIRAJUL HASAN TP116444WL
452416721AYSHA JINAN.M116345WL
462413891NEHA JABIN N N116346WL
472420404RANIYA P K116347WL
482417551NAHA MARIYAM K116348WL
492411169FATHIMA RENNA K116349WL
502411752SWALIHA T116350WL
512413035AFNIDHA P V116251WL
522418997ISHA FATHIMA K P116252WL
532417174ZIYA MARIYAM116253WL
542415541AFRA MAIMOONA116254WL
552412200MUHAMMED FASEEN K116255WL
562414359SHADIN K116256WL
572410574ALI RAFAH KP116157WL
582410817SHEHA FATHIMA T P116158WL
602414373AFLAH ABDUL KADER116160WL

SL=Selection List, WL=Waiting List

Important Note:

  1. If the applicant fails to produce supporting documents to prove their marks or claims for additional weightage during the verification process, the assigned rank will be adjusted accordingly, and they will be denied admission.
  2. Additional weightages claimed, such as NCC, NSS, SPC, Scouts, Arts, etc., should be at the +2 level, and valid certificates should be produced during the verification process. Failure to provide valid certificates will result in a change to the assigned rank, and the applicant will be denied admission.
  3. The first allotment (online admission) will be available from 06/06/2024 to 07/06/2024. Applicants are directed to take online admission before the specified date, otherwise they will lose their opportunity for admission to the programme.
  4. Read instructions for details.

Disclaimer: This Rank list is prepared for admission to UG Programmes for the academic year 2024-2025 at FAROOK COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) and serves as first-hand information for the applicants. However, please note that it is not final and subject to change. The rank list is based on the online data provided by the applicants through the college's Admission portal.